Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Examples of toiletries we take....

A lot of people have asked me what we consider a "toiletry." So, I thought I'd post a list here.
-Shampoo, conditioner, hair products, soap
-toothpaste, floss, toothbrushes, mouth wash
-deodorant, lotion
-paper towels, kleenex, toilet paper (We never have enough of this stocked for our clients).
-laundry detergent, softener
-cleaning products (windex, 409, etc.)
-Diapers (these are specific needs for specific families - email oncemore@pa.net for sizes if you feel led to give diapers).

About our clients

Right now our toiletry bank meets the needs of over 43 individuals/families in the Franklin County Area. Every month we receive donated goods from individuals, church groups, civic groups, etc. to help meet the needs of needy families in our area. Our clients range from the elderly couple, to the young single mother with two autistic children. We have had a client who was burning at a burn barrel and received burns all over the front of his body. We have had clients who were physically or emotionally disabled, and we have had several clients from the homeless shelter. We also give away free clothes to needy families who are referred to our store through various agencies, churches, etc. However, we do have to pay our rent, utilities, and liability insurance, so we rely on store sales and donations to keep us going. We have been open as a store for one year, but the toiletry bank has now been open for six months!


We will be having a benefit YARD AND BAKE SALE for Once More Ministries on June 12th and 13th (Friday and Saturday) from 8-???? We are currently asking people who are interested in helping to possibly donate used goods, bake something for the bake sale, or volunteer to help those days. Please email the toiletry bank coordinator (Suzy Kauffman) at oncemore@pa.net
Thanks so much!!!

A Letter....

Here is a letter from one of our toiletry bank clients (He has been diagnosed with HIV):
"Dear Stephanie,
Today I came home from One More and realized what a blessing it was to have met you and your husband. What a great help you are to the people in Chambersburg.

Sure, the toiletries were much needed. I washed clothes when I got home. :) But the sharing, the praying for me, acceptance of me and my situation in life, and understanding of me blew me away. I came in expectied to fill out some paperwork, and pick up a few things for my apartment.

WRONG!!! What I came home with will never fit in any amount of bags in your store. You made my heart and soul feel special. I really needed that, especially during these trying holidays. You made Christmas a bit more easier knowing that I have your hugs and reminding me that God loves ME even though I have all this junk in my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Gratefully Yours,
P.S. See you all on Friday night and thank you for inviting me! Now I'll have some clean clothes to wear that night! Take Care"

It's good to know that we ARE making a difference in our community!